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Gordon Foundation

For BRIGHT Futures: Nurturing Hope, Rebuilding Lives

A compassionate foundation dedicated to supporting children and families affected by brain injuries.


Empowering Families, Restoring Dreams

At the Gordon Foundation for BRIGHT Futures, we believe that every child and family deserves hope, healing, and a chance for a bright future. We provide comprehensive support, access to help and advocacy for those impacted by brain injuries.

3 Areas of Comprehensive Support


Support Groups

Join our caring community where families connect online, share experiences, and find emotional support while navigating the challenges of brain injury.


Resource Assistance

We connect families with groups and organizations who provide help for the many faceted steps of the journey, from finding medical experts, rehabilitation facilities, specialized therapists, rehabilitation equipment, mobility aids, legal assistance and much more. 


Motivational Speeches

Our co-founder Gordon, offers powerful and impactful motivational speeches derived from his personal journey of long recovery from a brain injury to living a purpose-driven life. His story of triumph over adversity is designed to reach young people.

Our Story

In February 2018, I was in a ski accident that changed my life forever. I was 13 years old, suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury, and was in a coma for nearly two months. My parents were told that I would likely never wake up again, and even if I did, I would never be able to walk or talk again, much less ever make it back to my friends and school.
Thanks to the incredible support of amazing doctors, nurses, specialized therapists, latest technology equipment, and the amazing community that surrounded my family, I am now living my best life ever as I continue my recovery.
My brother Peakay and I decided to start this foundation to help as many others find the emotional and practical support they need during the very scary and chaotic time we faced. We are here to help, whether by sharing our experiences or by helping families find the resources they need. 

If you would like to connect, please start by clicking Let's Chat. If you are able to provide assistance, please donate or contact us here. Together we can make a difference.

Gordon & Peakay


Finding Hope, Embracing Unity

In the face of adversity, my brother Peakay and I learned firsthand what it is like to go through the journey together. He was by my side the whole time and we helped each other go through the ups and downs facing the new reality.


Together, we set out to help others who have been affected by brain injuries. Based on our own personal experiences, we started this foundation with a single purpose: to provide support and inspiration to others facing their most difficult challenge.

Below are some pictures of us throughout this journey


A New World of Uncertainty

With each brain injury being unique and prognoses often uncertain, the journey to recovery can be daunting. Both victims and their families are met with a flood of anxiety, particularly in the time immediately following the injury and isolation and sorrow become overwhelming. 


A Beacon of Hope

Recognizing the diverse and intricate needs associated with brain injuries, our foundation was established as a guiding light in the darkest of times. We understand that families, still grappling with the consequences of a newly acquired brain injury, lack the time and resources to address their many needs. That is why we exist - to provide a comprehensive community of support and resources, serving as a source of unwavering hope and help with finding a path forward.


Uniting Hearts, Restoring Strength

For those who feel scared, lost and alone, our foundation offers solace and a sense of belonging. Through our network of shared experiences, we create a powerful bond between victims and their families, ensuring they never have to face their struggles in solitude. Whether it's sharing stories, seeking advice, or simply finding a shoulder to lean on, our community stands united, restoring strength and belief in the face of adversity.


Together, We Rise

Our foundation stands as a testament to the extraordinary power of unity and compassion. Rooted in the firm belief that no one should navigate the challenges of brain injury alone, we relentlessly strive to provide the support, resources, and understanding that families rightfully deserve. Together, we rise above obstacles, planting seeds of resilience, and nurturing a future filled with hope.


Make a Difference Today


Your contribution can change the lives of brain injury victims and their families by providing access to critical resources needed to maximize recovery. 


Join our dedicated team of volunteers and become an integral part of uplifting the lives of those affected by brain injury. 


Host fundraising events in your schools and communities to support the Gordon Foundation for a BRIGHT Future. We can help you every step of the way.


Join our community and let us walk alongside you on your journey of healing and rediscovery. You are not alone. Together, we can overcome.

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Contact Us

Copywrite 2023 Gordon Foundation for BRIGHT Futures. All rights reserved.

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